Marriage to a resident/citizen/non-citizen of Latvia

A foreign national entering into marriage with a citizen/non-citizen of Latvia may apply for:
  • a temporary residence permit in Latvia for 1 year upon initial filing of documents
  • a temporary residence permit in Latvia for 4 years upon second filing of documents
  • a permanent residence permit in the Schengen Area upon third filing of documents
A foreign national entering into marriage with a citizen having a permanent residence permit in Latvia (resident) may apply for:
  • a temporary residence permit in Latvia for 1 year upon initial filing of documents
  • a temporary residence permit in Latvia for 4 years upon second filing of documents
  • a permanent residence permit in the Schengen Area upon third filing of documents
Marriage to a citizen/non-citizen of Latvia does not present any issues regarding the foreign national’s citizenship in the country of origin.
Registration of marriage in Latvia requires a civil registry / marriage eligibility certificate from the actual place of residence of the applicant or the from consulate department in their country of origin. The state duty for registration of marriage at a civil registry office in Latvia is EUR 14.12.
An individual from Russia, Ukraine or other CIS member-state applying for an RP in Latvia must duly legalise their marriage certificate, certificate of birth, reference confirming lack of convictions, and other official documents. In the event of linguistic collisions involving the spelling of certain names, a document must be secured from the Information Department of the State Language Agency (Latviešu valodas aģentūra) that indicates the correct spelling of the applicant’s name in the state language.

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